Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 19th: China at Last

The first thing I noticed in sepping off te plane as that the air tasted different- a sort of smokey, humid tang like cities and rivers intertwined. We took a bus to the hotel that aternoon where I dozed in a sort of stupor after getting no sleep at all on the plane. It was there that we met the Indian group and headed out to dinner.

Over some traditional Chinese cuisine, I talked with some of the Indian students about their day-to-day life and how things were sort of different between our two countries. I disovered that while in America we take different courses every year--for example, Geometry, Algebra I, Precalculus--in India, students have a "math" class, which cumulatively builds on their knowledge of all aspects of the subject. Also, squash and cricket, two sports practically nonexistant in the states, are very popular in Inda.

I managed to barter for the first time in Chinese with a street vendor out side, using my new favorite phrase, "Ni shir baba Chunglung-ma?" or, "is Jackie Chan your father?" Needless to say, he was very confused.

As we drove home on the bus, I saw Shanghai transformed. After the sun set, the buildings lit up like Times Square times ten, sparkling with rainbow light and waterfall of color and flashing ads. It was amazing to see, and I'm anticpating the boat-tour we take at night to better see the lights.

I tumbled into bed that night and was asleep within minutes, completely exhausted.

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