Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Global Citizen's Scavenger Hunt

Over lunch, we had about two hours to separate off into groups of four and embark on a Global Citizen's Scavenger Hunt. The activity was extremely fun and allowed us to test our real world survival skills/limited knowledge of Chinese by interacting with strangers. We each got to stretch our teamwork skills, leadership skills, and street smarts as we raced against the clock to find all the items on our list.

My group was composed of myself, Max, Tarun, and Devika, and here's what we had to find.
-a restaurant menu (this proved to be the most difficult for our team; for some reason every restaurant we went into had no take-out menu, no matter how many times we mimed and pointed)
-a pair of chopsticks
-something written in English
-a city map
-a Chinese newspaper
-a local bus schedule (involved me going up to a disgrunted bus-driver and asking about a "che zhan." He had no idea what I was saying.)
-a business card
-some foreign currency (not Indian, American, or Chinese
-Chinese candy (we ended up spending 20 yuan on something the judges claimed was "Japanese" candy)
-Chinese loose tea (Devika showed us all the ropes by asking to "smell" a pinch of the tea in a tea store and then simply leaving with it)

Take Photos of the Following:
-A team member in a rickshaw (we stumbled upon this in a moment of chance and it proved our crown jewel with the judges)

-the Chinese characters for bathroom
-a team member with a taxi driver

-Someone doing tai chi

Okay, so maybe he wasn't doing tai chi so much as we found a random stranger on the street to teach tai chi to, but it still counts. Right?

-a Buddha
-An animal
-A team member with a local student

He looks so shocked!

-a bicycle
-Traditional Chinese clothing
-An American company (Pizza Hut)
-A wedding (Okay, this we never found)
-A dragon
-A small red book

Okay, so maybe it's not the small red book of Communism, but close enough, right?

-A passport (not U.S. or Indian) (Never found this one either--who's going to show their passport to a random stranger on the street?)
-A boat
-A sign in English with incorrect grammar


My team was proud to say that we found everything except the wedding, passport, and foreign currency. However, we didn't win (grrr...) because teams were given bonus points for every additional pair of chopsticks they could find. But it was still tons of fun.

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