Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dan Yorke Show

A copy of my interview can be found here. Thanks to anyone who tuned in!

Lights, camera....

Hey everyone! If you didn't catch me on the Dan Yorke show this morning, the podcast will be up on the WPRO website pretty soon, and I'll also post a copy on this blog.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is this, you may ask?

Hey readers (whoever you may be)! As my first entry, I thought I might explain a bit about who I am and what this blog has been created for. For starters, my name is Jackie Roberti, and I’m a perfectly ordinary high school junior (though I like to think otherwise) living smack in the middle of the tiny state of Rhode Island. Recently, I was awarded with EF’s Global Citizen Scholarship as one of ten students nationwide chosen to represent the United States in China this summer. This blog is going to document my experiences, for anyone who is interested in hearing about my trip. I’ve never really blogged before, but I’m reminding myself a bit of the movie Julie and Julia, what with the whole new-to-the-web, begging-for-followers thing.

A couple of weeks ago I entered a 1,500-word essay (a copy of which can be found here) into EF’s Global Citizen Scholarship contest. Needless to say, I was floored to find out that I was chosen nationally as a winner. After being notified by Elizabeth Lelaurin, an EF representative (and who I found out to be my tour leader), my sister and I danced around the kitchen for a good twenty minutes. We could not believe that I—the farthest having ever travelled a mere ten minutes over the Canadian border—was actually going to China, a place half-way around the world, all expenses paid. It felt like a dream come true.

The very next day I submitted my passport forms and stopped in to Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy of Chinese for Dummies. Right now my Mandarin consists of about six words. I’ve decided that I’ll limit myself to the essentials— How much does this cost? Where is the bathroom? I’m lost. Like I said, everything I’ll need to know. I’ve already had a conference call to get introduced to the other winners, hailing from places as far as Texas, California, and Hawaii. Along with the group from India, this will be the experience of a lifetime to make new friends, build cross-cultural connections, and see the world at a global level.